Vashikaran Specialist Guru Ji

Maa Kamakhya Vashikaran

Maa Kamakhya Vashikaran | Call Now+919118281718

This temple is considered to be the main Siddhapeetha of Tantriks. Mata Kamakhya is specially worshiped by Tantrikas. Apart from this, Maa Kamakhya Devi is also known as the goddess who fulfills every wish. It is said that Mother Kamakhya fulfills every wish of her devotees when she is pleased with their prayers and penance.

Mother Kamakhya fulfills wishes
Goddess Kamakhya is known as the fulfiller of all wishes and desires. She fulfills all the wishes and desires of her devotees who worship her at Kamakhya Temple.

If a person finds true love in his life then his whole life is filled with happiness. Many times a person faces many problems like quarrels, mistrust etc. even while living with his/her lover/girlfriend. Kamakhya Puja proves useful to get rid of the obstacles in relationships.

Kamakhya Devi
Kamakhya is one of the main names of Goddess or Shakti. She is a Tantric goddess and has a close relationship with Kali and ‘Tripur Sundari’. His story has been mentioned in detail in Kalika Purana and Yogini Tantra. The worship of Shakti or Kamakshi has great importance in entire Assam and North-East Bengal.

This is what is happening, you work very hard, you don’t get success, work gets spoiled while getting done, there is tension in the family, fights and disputes keep happening, money is not coming, problem is coming in getting married, work is not business. The debt is going on increasing, something has been done, this is happening in your life, there are many reasons for this happening, in such a situation you should tell your problem to Guru Ji so that you can get the solution, thanks to the blessings of Mother Kamakhya. With blessings you will definitely get a solution to your problem.

Maa kamakhya Kavach

Maa kamakhya Kavach | Call Now+919118281718

If this is happening in your family, then definitely do this remedy, there is such a person in your house who always remains sick, takes medicines, does not work, your money is also being spent, but the disease does not get cured from anywhere. If you have been troubled from everywhere, then you should once go to the shelter of Maa Kamakhya. Maa Kamakhya ends all the sorrows, pains, problems of her devotees, use Rog Nasak Mantra.

यदि आपके भी घर परिवार में हो रहा ऐसा तो जरूर करे ये उपाय, आपके घर में एक ऐसा व्यक्ति है जो बीमार ही रहता ही दवा करते है काम नहीं करता है आपके पैसे भी खर्च हो रहा है लेकिन कही से भी बिमारी ठीक नहीं होती है सब जगह से परेशान हो गए है तो आपको एक बार माँ कामाख्या के शरण में जाना चाहिए माँ कमख्या अपने भक्तो के सरे दुःख, तलिफ़, समस्या, को ख़तम करती है रोग नसक मंत्र का करे प्रयोग

यह मंत्र मानसिक शक्ति देता है?

मन की शांति के लिए रोजाना 108 बार ”ॐ एकदन्ताय विद्महे वक्रतुंडाय धीमहि तन्नो बुदि्ध प्रचोदयात” का जाप करें. भगवान गणेश के भक्त इस मंत्र का जाप हर बुधवार को कर सकते हैं, लेकिन मन की शांति के लिए आप इस मंत्र का जाप सुबह या शाम में किसी भी समय कर सकते हैं

इस कवच के प्रभाव से मनुष्य भय रहित, तेजस्वी तथा भैरवतुल्य हो जाता है। जप, होम आदि कर्मों में समासक्त मन वाले भक्त की मंत्र-तंत्रों में सिद्घि निर्विघ्न हो जाती है।।

मां कामाख्या देवी कवच

ओं प्राच्यां रक्षतु मे तारा कामरूपनिवासिनी। आग्नेय्यां षोडशी पातु याम्यां धूमावती स्वयम्।।11

रोग नाश के लिए कौन सा मंत्र है?

ऊं हं हनुमते नम:

हनुमान जी का ये मंत्र बहुत लाभकारी माना जाता है. इस मंत्र के जाप से व्यक्ति को हर कष्ट और रोग से मुक्ति मिल जाती है. कार्यों में सफलता के लिए यह मंत्र बहुत लाभकारी होता है.

पेट संबंधित रोगों का अंत करेगा नरसिंह मंत्र

प्राशयेद्यो नरो मन्त्रं नृसिंहध्यानमाचरेत्।तस्य रोगाः प्रणश्यन्ति ये च स्युः कुक्षिसम्भवाः॥ श्री ब्रह्माण्ड-पुराणे प्रह्लादोक्तं श्रीनृसिंह कवचं

Kamakhya Vashikaran

Kamakhya Vashikaran | Call Now+919118281718

Maa Kamakhya helps in removing the problems happening in your life, no matter what kind of problem you are facing, work is not going on, business is not going on, there is no happiness and peace in the house, there is a dispute in the family, you are troubled by the enemy. Work gets worse as per your wish Your business is not going well Marriage problems are coming in marriage Ghosts are troubled by obstacles Maa Kamakhya removes all such problems from you Contact Tantrik Vimal Samrat once help you out of trouble

माँ कामाख्या आपके जीवन हो रहे समस्याओ को दूर करने में मदत करती है छाए जैसे भी किसी भी प्रकार के समस्या में हो आप काम नहीं चल रहा है व्यापार नहीं चल रहा है घर में सुख शांति नहीं है परिवार में विवाद हो रहा है दुश्मन से परेशान है काम होते होते बिगड़ जाता है आपके इच्छा के अनुशार आपका व्यापार नहीं चल रहा है शादी विवाह में समस्या आ रही है भूत प्रेत बाधा से परेशान है ऐसे सभी समस्याओ को आपसे दूर करती है माँ कामाख्या एक बार संपर्क करे तांत्रिक विमल सम्राट जी से आपको समस्याओ से बहार निकलने में मदत करेंगे

कामाख्या देवी का मूल मंत्र क्या है?

क्लीं क्लीं कामाख्या क्लीं क्लीं नमः

आप कामाख्या मोहिनी मंत्र का प्रयोग वशीकरण में करते हैं ऐसा कहा जाता है की कामाख्या मोहिनी मंत्र में साबर यंत्र बहुत काम आता है इसलिए आपको रविवार के दिन लौंग, अगरबत्ती, सरसों का तेल, गूगल, धुप, दीपक, गुलाब का फूल, 5 अलग अलग कलर की मिठाई को लेकर रात के समय उत्तर दिशा में मुंह करके बैठना होता है फिर साधारण पूजा करके इस कामाख्या मोहिनी मंत्र – तेल-तेल महातेल! दूखूं री मोहिनी तेरा खेल!! मन्त्र का जाप ४१ बार करना है। फिर आपको आपका मनपसंद साथी जाता है यह कथन जानकारी पर आधारित है।

कामाख्या वशीकरण मंत्र असली

आपके पास मन्त्र साधना करने के लिए गुरु की आवस्यकता होती है यदि आपके पास नहीं है तो आप इस मन्त्र की साधना कर सकते हैं आप सुबह उठकर स्नान आदि से निवृत होकर सूर्य भगवन का स्मरण करे व साक्षी मानकर सिद्धि के लिए सूर्य भगवान् से अनुमति लें फिर कामाख्या वशीकरण मंत्र असली का जाप 10000 बार 41 दिनों तक करें ऐसा करने से आपकी साधना सिद्ध हो जाती है। और आपकी मनोकामना पूर्ण होती है। कामाख्या वशीकरण मंत्र असली यह है – ॐ नमो कामाक्षी देवी (आमुकी में उनका नाम लें) वंशं कुरु कुरु स्वः

Maa Kamakhya Tample

Maa Kamakhya Temple | Call Now+91918281718

In today’s time, it is happening with almost everyone that they are troubled by some or the other problem, one problem does not end, another problem comes, why is such a problem coming in your life, due to which you and your family are facing problems. Sometimes there is a quarrel and dispute in your house, there is an enemy of each other in the family, there is work outside, there is a problem in business too, the solution to all such problems becomes yours with the blessings of Maa Kamakhya Maa Kamakhya Worship and chant mantras, Maa Kamakhya will remove all your problems.

आज के समय में ऐसा लगभग सभी के साथ हो रहा है की किसी न किसी समस्या से परेशान है एक समस्या ख़तम होती नहीं है , दूशरी समस्या आ जाती है ऐसी समस्या क्यों आ रही है आपके जीवन में जिससे आपको और आपके परिवार को समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है कभी आपके घर में झगड़ा विवाद होने लगता है परिवार में ही एक दुशरे के दुश्मन हो जाते है बाहर भी है काम, व्यापार में भी समस्या हो जाती है ऐसी सभी सम्याओ का समाधान माँ कामाख्या के आशीर्वाद से आपका हो जाता है माँ कामाख्या की पूजा और मंत्रो का जप करे माँ कामाख्या आपकी सभी समस्याओ को दूर करेंगी

माँ कामाख्या चालीसा

सुमिरन कामाख्या करुँ, सकल सिद्धि की खानि । होइ प्रसन्न सत करहु माँ, जो मैं कहौं बखानि ॥

जै जै कामाख्या महारानी । दात्री सब सुख सिद्धि भवानी ॥ कामरुप है वास तुम्हारो । जहँ ते मन नहिं टरत है टारो ॥

ऊँचे गिरि पर करहुँ निवासा । पुरवहु सदा भगत मन आसा । ऋद्धि सिद्धि तुरतै मिलि जाई । जो जन ध्यान धरै मनलाई ॥

जो देवी का दर्शन चाहे । हदय बीच याही अवगाहे ॥ प्रेम सहित पंडित बुलवावे । शुभ मुहूर्त निश्चित विचारवे ॥

अपने गुरु से आज्ञा लेकर । यात्रा विधान करे निश्चय धर । पूजन गौरि गणेश करावे । नान्दीमुख भी श्राद्ध जिमावे ॥

शुक्र को बाँयें व पाछे कर । गुरु अरु शुक्र उचित रहने पर ॥ जब सब ग्रह होवें अनुकूला । गुरु पितु मातु आदि सब हूला ॥

नौ ब्राह्मण बुलवाय जिमावे । आशीर्वाद जब उनसे पावे ॥ सबहिं प्रकार शकुन शुभ होई । यात्रा तबहिं करे सुख होई ॥

जो चह सिद्धि करन कछु भाई । मंत्र लेइ देवी कहँ जाई ॥ आदर पूर्वक गुरु बुलावे । मन्त्र लेन हित दिन ठहरावे ॥

शुभ मुहूर्त में दीक्षा लेवे । प्रसन्न होई दक्षिणा देवै ॥ ॐ का नमः करे उच्चारण । मातृका न्यास करे सिर धारण ॥

षडङ्ग न्यास करे सो भाई । माँ कामाक्षा धर उर लाई ॥ देवी मन्त्र करे मन सुमिरन । सन्मुख मुद्रा करे प्रदर्शन ॥

जिससे होई प्रसन्न भवानी । मन चाहत वर देवे आनी ॥ जबहिं भगत दीक्षित होइ जाई । दान देय ऋत्विज कहँ जाई ॥

विप्रबंधु भोजन करवावे । विप्र नारि कन्या जिमवावे ॥ दीन अनाथ दरिद्र बुलावे । धन की कृपणता नहीं दिखावे ॥

एहि विधि समझ कृतारथ होवे । गुरु मन्त्र नित जप कर सोवे ॥ देवी चरण का बने पुजारी । एहि ते धरम न है कोई भारी ॥

सकल ऋद्धि – सिद्धि मिल जावे । जो देवी का ध्यान लगावे ॥ तू ही दुर्गा तू ही काली । माँग में सोहे मातु के लाली ॥

वाक् सरस्वती विद्या गौरी । मातु के सोहैं सिर पर मौरी ॥ क्षुधा, दुरत्यया, निद्रा तृष्णा । तन का रंग है मातु का कृष्णा ।

कामधेनु सुभगा और सुन्दरी । मातु अँगुलिया में है मुंदरी ॥ कालरात्रि वेदगर्भा धीश्वरि । कंठमाल माता ने ले धरि ॥

तृषा सती एक वीरा अक्षरा । देह तजी जानु रही नश्वरा ॥ स्वरा महा श्री चण्डी । मातु न जाना जो रहे पाखण्डी ॥

महामारी भारती आर्या । शिवजी की ओ रहीं भार्या ॥ पद्मा, कमला, लक्ष्मी, शिवा । तेज मातु तन जैसे दिवा ॥

उमा, जयी, ब्राह्मी भाषा । पुर हिं भगतन की अभिलाषा ॥ रजस्वला जब रुप दिखावे । देवता सकल पर्वतहिं जावें ॥

रुप गौरि धरि करहिं निवासा । जब लग होइ न तेज प्रकाशा ॥ एहि ते सिद्ध पीठ कहलाई । जउन चहै जन सो होई जाई ॥

जो जन यह चालीसा गावे । सब सुख भोग देवि पद पावे ॥ होहिं प्रसन्न महेश भवानी । कृपा करहु निज – जन असवानी ॥

॥ दोहा ॥

कर्हे गोपाल सुमिर मन, कामाख्या सुख खानि । जग हित माँ प्रगटत भई, सके न कोऊ खानि ॥

Enemy Problem Solution

Enemy Problem Solution | Call Now+919118281718

In today’s time, many people have this problem that many people become enemies, you have nothing to do with them, yet they keep following you, they keep troubling you in some way or the other, due to which you are upset, do not pay attention to your work. If you can do your work, one problem does not end, another begins.

Your enemies don’t like to see you moving forward, your work is going well, you are happy, your enemies don’t like it, they want to see you upset, they bother you, you do some good work for yourself or your family. If your enemy doesn’t like it, why doesn’t he have it?

If any kind of problem is coming in your work, you think that there was no such problem before, suddenly problems started coming in work, there is no peace in the family, there is no happiness, there is no peace in marriage, there is a problem in getting married. you can use the mantras of Maa Kamakhya, so that you and your The family will get security, no matter what your enemy does, nothing will be wrong with you, once you talk to Guru ji Vimal Samrat ji, he will definitely solve your problem, you will definitely get the blessings of the mother.

आज के समय में बहुत से लोगो की ये प्रॉब्लम है की दुश्मन बहुत से लोग हो जाते है आपको उनसे कोई लेना देना नहीं है फिर भी आपके पीछे पड़े रहते है आपको किसी तरीके से परेशान करतेु रहते है जिससे आप परेशान हो अपने काम पर ध्यान न दे सके आपके काम एक परेशानी ख़तम नहीं होती है दुशरी सुरु हो जाती है
आपको आगे बढ़ते हुए नहीं देखना पसंद करते है आपके दुश्मन आपका काम सही चल रहा है आप खुश ये सब आपके दुश्मन ठीक नहीं लगता है वो आपको परेशान देखना चाहते है आपको परेशान करते है आप कोई बढ़िया काम कर लेते है अपने लिए या अपने परिवार के लिए तो आपके दुश्मन को अच्छा नहीं लगता है ये उनके पास क्यू नहीं है आपके पास कैसे आ गया अब आपको परेशान करेंगे जैसे भी उनसे हो सकता है उसी प्रकार से करेंगे
आपके काम में किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या आ रही है आपको लगता है ऐसी समस्या नहीं थी पहले अचानक से काम में समस्या आने लगा परिवार में समस्या होने लगा शुक शांति नहीं है ऐसे आपशादी विवाह में होने में समस्या आ रही है माँ कामाख्या के मंत्रो का प्रयोग कर सकते है जिससे आपको और आपके परिवार को सुरक्षा मिलेगा आपका दुश्मन कुछ भी करे कैसे भी करे आपका कुछ नहीं बिगड़ पायेगा एक बार आप गुरु जी विमल सम्राट जी से संपर्क करके बात करिये आपके समस्या का समाधान जरूर करेंगे माँ का आशीर्वाद जरूर मिलेगा आपको

Kamakhya Vashikaran

Kamakhya Vashikaran | Call Now+919118281718

Kamakhya Vashikaran is one such vashikaran which is the most different and power full. The temple of Maa Kamakhya is in Assam, which is the Shakti Peeth of Mother Kamakhya, one of the 51 Shaktis, which is a very powerful style, all the people from here are Vashikaran, Black Magic, Tantra Whatever mantras they do, almost everyone takes this knowledge, from this there are many Aghori Tantrik who are very powerful.

Kamakhya Vashikaran is used a lot when someone’s life has to be saved. They live that it seems that their life has become a burden on them, they do not feel like work, work does not work, work gets worse, spending more than money comes It also happens that you have started doing business, but you start having problems where you are doing a job, their problems start coming in marriage, any work you do, problems start coming in it, then you will be Vashikaran Guru Ji. Do contact me Maa Kamakhya will definitely help you.

If you are having problems in marriage, you love someone, you are not getting married or the boy’s family does not agree or the girl’s family does not want to get married, at such a time if you truly love your family. If you want to do your marriage with consent, then Guru Ji will help you, mother Kamakhya, your family should not do any work by giving trouble to your parents. Maa Kamakhya and Aghori Tantrik Guru Ji will help you in this, once you contact Guru Ji tell them your problem.

Kamakhya Vashikaran

Sometimes it happens that you have to face problems with people. It seems that you do not understand how all this suddenly starts happening to you, people do not talk to you properly, your work starts getting very bad, you are doing the right thing, yet you are the only one. Mistakes happen and loss is also yours, you get upset from all sides, if you have to face such problems, once you contact Kamakhya Vashikaran Guru Ji, it will definitely help you.

Boy Vashikaran

Boy Vashikaran | Call Now+919118281718

Boy Vashikaran happens because when you are in a relationship with a boy, later you go away from you, for some reason I don’t understand why the problem is happening boy why not talk to me? There can be many reasons for this, some other girl gets along with some other girl. If you are serious about the relationship, then Aghori Tantri Baba will definitely help you once you must contact, it also happens that sometimes someone else does not feel right about your relationship,

Boy Vashikaran if he does not like your relationship with the boy, then you and the boys There are many attempts to break the middle, some people also become successful, at such a time between you and the boy who tries to make the relationship worse, which has a very bad effect on your life.

In which there is no difference between you and the boy, you say something, the boy likes something else, does not want to listen to you, starts quarreling over everything, slowly your relationship starts deteriorating, you get tired of understanding Then you think that you have become very upset, leave this relationship, it is like this in your life, then definitely contact Boy Vashikar Aghori Tantrik Samrat Ji, you will definitely do such work, will give you a good way, will help you to reconcile your love. So that your life becomes happy, we pray to God that everyone may be happy, may everyone’s life be prosperous, and no one should look at your happiness.Boy Vashikaran

At such a time when your relationship is breaking, you should never delay for the one you love very much because you can neither do anything nor Guruji will be able to do anything if the right time is passed. Boy Vashikara, after contacting Guru Ji in time, such problems keep on coming in everyone’s life, do not hesitate to tell your problem openly to Guru Ji, Guru Ji will treat it properly.

Husband Vashikaran

Husband Vashikaran | Call Now+919118281718

If your Husband is giving you a hard time and he is not attracted to you at all then try Husband Vashikaran. In a few days, you will see him getting attracted to you and he will also realize how much you are worth to him. He will know your value in his life and he will start sharing his secrets or sorrows or every moment with you. It is to be noted that the Husband Vashikaran Mantra performed for bad purposes will not be acclaimed by the God of Vashikaran, Kamdev. These mantras will not work for those people who have bad intentions behind them. One must be pure enough to make these mantras work. 

Vashikaran mantra comes with a solution to every kind of problem whether it is related to your love, business, marriage, jobs, etc. Any housewife who is having trouble with her husband then she can take care of him by using these mantras. She just needs to consult any professional before performing Husband Vashikaran. After performing this mantra successfully, she will notice some changes in her husband in just a few days.

Husband Vashikaran
Husband Vashikaran

Her husband not just takes her orders but he also used to love her and starts taking care of her. To perform this mantra one just need to know the name and bio of the person for whom the vashikaran mantra is performed. There are many things that are needed to use for performing the Vashikaran mantra like candles, wood, oil, etc. The things which are required to bring for Vashikaran Mantra and vidhi for your husband will be told to you by Your Astrologer Tantrik Baba Ji. You can make your Husband Under Your Control, if you are having any kind of problem with your husband like there is a quarrel in the house, you do not listen to your words.

Love Problem Solution Guru Ji

Love Vashikaran Tantrik | Call +919118281718

The basic purpose of this Love Vashikaran Tantrik is to get your true love back in your life or initiate you involved in a fresh relationship of love. If you chat properly Love Vashikaran which is said by you from Aghori Tantrik Baba Ji, you can’t get any side effects of this one while you are free to lead a fresh and happy life. So take the mantra of Vashikaran and find Your Ex Love Back in your life sincerely.

Tantrik Baba Ji leads you in getting Back Your True Love along with affection and love between you both again. Your all of queries are answered by Aghori Tantrik Vimal Ji on a reliable platform with clears all doubts regarding your true loved one. This is my promise to you this mantra gives you full of joy, prosperity, good luck, and new peace in your life. Guru Ji helps you to meet your true love, the mind should be true, if you call on God with a true heart, then it definitely helps you.

Love Vashikaran Tantrik

Vashikaran is a technique that involves hypnosis. But this is helpful in that case when it is performed or chanted by a skilled practitioner.

Love Vashikaran Tantrik, Black Magic Specialist, Love Marriage Specialist, Lost Love Spell, and can dupe you of your hard earned money.
Always bear in your mind that only an enlightened soul can perform Vashikaran acts. The best way to get the reality of such a person is by talking, in length, to such people to have an idea of the depth of their knowledge. Most of the so-called specialists are bound to fumble at your questionnaire … sooner than later…so simply talk to the person and access his knowledge and power before giving your work to them….. Aghori Tantrik Baba is one such prominent saint…

Husband Vashikaran

Family Problem Solution | Call Now +919118281718

Family Problem Solution The car of family life runs on the spirit of sacrifice love affection generosity service tolerance and mutual respect of the members the family has been considered as the school of coexistence collective life service and tolerance but when mutual relations are filled with selfishness, narrow-mindedness intolerance then the family becomes a real manifestation of hell the main reason for the plight of family life is the lack of practical life education the education that boys and girls should get to live in practical life by staying in contact with experienced elders is lacking nowadays.

Before marriage, the girl does not get education that how she has to live by going to her husband’s house? What is his duty-responsibility? By what virtues does he have to run the family? The same is the case with regard to boys as well. Lack of education for family life is the root cause of the plight of household life actually problems are a small part of our life. Having problems in life means that your life is about to get better. remember that within every problem lies its solution. Problems should be taken very calmly and with restraint. this is the reason why intelligent beings solve problems with great pleasure.

Keeping the family alive has become the problem of the whole world today. however, it has become difficult to maintain the institution called Parivar in our country which proclaims Vasudev Kutumbakam all over the world. The whole world is worried about the disintegration of families and this is the reason why in 1993 the United Nations declared 15th of May as International Day of Families. Although it has been 22 years of celebrating Family Day internationally, the importance of family is decreasing day by day the hum of Family Day is neither vocal on social media nor in print and electronic media. No is there anything like Valentines Day or Mother’s Day. Truly speaking,

Family Day comes and goes without even realizing its arrival. This is the situation of our country giving the message of Vasudev Kutumbakam to the whole world. However, due to the distortions coming in the society due to nuclear families, the importance of family has started to be understood in foreign countries. realizing the importance of Sanatan traditions all over the world, Family Problem Solution it is being adopted. Recently, in a survey conducted in Europe, the stories of grandmothers have been considered essential for children. 

At the same time, in another survey, eating food while wearing shoes is considered injurious to health and schools in England are being stressed on sitting with shoes open in class. The whole world has started accepting the importance of washing hands before eating food. But the other side of the picture is that even today we are not lagging behind in calling our traditions orthodox. All this is the result of blind imitation. In the changing economic and social scenario, joint families are becoming a thing of the past. There was a time when a whole family full of grandparents, tau-tai, uncle-aunt and siblings lived under one roof, today it has been replaced by nuclear family. The rapid change in time can also be seen in such a way that even nuclear family is now becoming a distant thing and live-in relationship is taking its place. As long as it is not good till then, both of them separate their path or make the world laugh by accusing each other.

 It is a sign of social change, but its ill-effects may also be in the form of a sign, but are beginning to come to the fore the disintegration of family and social fabric can be understood from a message circulating on social media these days that ‘Earlier children were born at grandmother’s house, so children used to go to grandmother’s house again and again. Children of today are born in the hospital, so they go to the hospital again and again.’

The social change behind this message can be clearly understood. If we look at the previous census figures, 70 percent of the country is nuclear family. However, now the situation has changed rapidly and the number of nuclear families is increasing more rapidly. According to the census data, only 14 per cent of the households are such that two married couples live together. Four married couples are not even one per cent of the number of families living in the same house. 

It is useless to talk about three or four brothers living under the same roof. However now families are getting smaller. There are only one or two children beyond limits. Family Problem Solution In today’s young generation, in most of the families, the fabric of the family is changing due to both husband and wife having job profession. As soon as the child is born, parents start worrying more about his career. First in the creches, then in the prep and then in getting admission in the best school, they start worrying about coaching. Despite living under the same roof, meaningful communication with each other is becoming a distant thing.

The reason for this is that while the parents are living under stress and frustration under the burden of their work, the children are getting burdened by the worry of career in their childhood due to the thinking of the parents. There was a time when NGOs used to raise their voice to save children from the burden of bags, today the burden of bags is becoming the destiny of the child. In the skyscrapers of big cities, communication is far away, people living in the same premises do not know who are living there. What’s going on in the complex? Who’s coming who’s going When a major incident happens, it is also known through the media, it is becoming a condition of our social fabric.

Love Problem Solution

 Family Problem Solution There was a time when the children used to stay with the grandparents in the village as soon as the summer holidays were over, and for a few days with the grandparents. In these few days, the rites of being with the family used to fall on the children in such a way that they become cultured, sensitive, stress-free, but today the change in the situation is that even during the holidays, children are given tuition, dance, painting or other similar activities. Send them to learn different types of activities. There is no harm in this, but due to the children being away from their loved ones, loneliness, selfishness, frustration, stress, lack of sensitivity, etc. come, the result of which can be clearly seen in today’s young generation. In European countries especially in England, people are getting disillusioned with nuclear family. Considering the social changes and signs, the importance of joint family is beginning to be understood. 

It is true that today’s generation has to live outside due to employment. But it is also true that most of the companies provide other facilities including accommodation to their employees. In such a situation, keeping the parents together solves many problems on its own. Although parents are considered as a hindrance to freedom, it is the need of the hour to see the benefits of it. The family strings will be tied to each other due to the parents living together. Sanskars will come in children, children will be properly looked after and raised, sensitivity and understanding will be created in children.

Children will not have to live with the help of crches or servants. Mutual harmony will remain due to the shame of the eyes in the changing socio economic scenario, the family has to be understood as a necessity not a burden Otherwise, the day is not far when only old age homes of the elderly will be visible and the family will be lost somewhere todays generation also has to understand this, otherwise tomorrows elders will be today’s youth. The family is the main center of keeping the members together in solidarity and when the institution of the family ceases to exist, then the situation will lead to chaos. Come understand the importance of family, adopt family.